Aquí tienen un impresionante componente llamado " TEffects " para manipulación de imágenes en Delphi.
Con él se pueden realizar efectos que se ven en programas de retoque fotográfico o edición de imágenes como Corel Paintshop o Adobe Photoshop.
Notas de instalación
El uso de los ejemplos necesita previamente la instalación de las siguientes unit.
que deben ser instaladas en el siguiente orden
- MemUtils
- ExactTimer
- Waiter
- GrayBitmap
- Shape
- Effects
- GraphUtils
- FunThings
Entre otras cosas se pueden implementar los siguientes temas:
(Copiado de la página del autor)
Adjusts color information
Inverts colors
Filters colors
Rotate image to any degree
Adjusts channel colors
Fills channels
Implements transparency effect
Implements blur effect
Implements rough blur effect
Implements pixelization effect
Uploads and extracts a data of any type into a single image at binary level (cryptography)
A few fun things are in TGraphUtils and TFunThings units. These units include:
TBitmapConvertor is intended for conversions between TBitmap class and TSmallBitmap structure (TSmallBitmap is type of dynamic array that represents 32 bit image of any size)
TCustomTextConvertor is abstract class that contains base code for conversion from bitmap into colored text
TCustomTextDrawer is one more abstract class with a code for drawing of colored text on a display device context
TTextConvertor converts image into html document
TTextDrawer is descendant of TCustomTextDrawer class
TDesktopDrawer is descendant of TCustomTextDrawer class which draws text directly on the desktop.
Link de descarga del Componente: